Sunday, 13 September 2015

Prague apartment

We have the most amazing airbnb apartment in the heart of Prague. It is this really old house that has been added onto, and then broken up into apartments in the Communist area, and there is a cafe in the courtyard garden that we walk through to get upstairs.

The front of the house is unremarkable
Then you walk under the 1st part of the house and through a covered walkway, out through some old doors to the garden, and up the old stairs to our apartment.

To our deck overlooking the garden

The place is a little shabby and needing some TLC, but oh the dimensions!

The foyer

And the height of the doors is about the height of our ceilings at home.
My bedroom - 3 large double windows, and check out the old chaise lounge - some of the furniture is modern (the beds luckily), and some is ancient. And some of the place has been modernised - the shower is a wonder to look at - unfortunately the rose falls from its holder, and the water goes everywhere.

The kitchen/dining/sitting room is huge, and dominated by a big dark painting of one of the former owners - this place even has it's own website, and is a Czech cultural listed building.

Very 'Kafka-esk'. I reckon the ceilings are 4m high. And even though it's right in the middle of Prague, it is soooo quiet. All you can hear is the old fashioned clock ticking.

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